VMware - vCenter - sps-runtime.log.stderr
I recently had a client reach out to me regarding their vCenter 7.0 U2c log drive filling up on a regular basis. After some troubleshooting we found it was the sps-runtime.log.stderr log file that was filling up at an alarming rate and wasn't able to clear it's self down.
After some research we found the below VMware KB that listed the issue and that it was fixed in the later 7.0 U3 releases.
Unfortunately my client was locked in to a specific version of vCenter due to the Cisco HyperFlex compatibility matrices so upgrading to 7.0 U3 was going to be a much more involved task as all the other Cisco components would also have to be updated.
Luckily the VMware KB listed a further workaround that involved running a script that checked each hosts Certificate Store's and made a modification. Full details below:
The client wasn't comfortable completing this on their own due to the need of connecting into vCenter via SSH and running scripts via the CLI.
We completed this successfully over a remote session, including expanding the log drive by a further 10GB to give them some breathing space before they completed their HyperFlex upgrades and could upgrade to vCenter 7.0 U3.